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Children have up to 70% chance of getting obesity from parents – expert

Children have up to 70% chance of getting obesity from parents – expert

BAGUIO CITY— There are many reasons why people develop obesity. For some, genetics play a big part with chances from 40% to 70%, the Philippine Association for the Study of Overweight and Obesity (PASOO) said Thursday. 

If one has obesity, people often assume he or she has poor eating habits and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. But PASOO President Dr. Nemecio Nicodemus Jr. explained obesity can develop not just from external, but internal factors as well. 

Among the endogenous etiological factors, he said, are physiological, hormonal abnormalities, and even genetic predisposition and family profile.

“Kung ang nanay at tatay mo, parehong may obesity, may tyansa kang magkaroon ng obesity," Nicodemus said in a media conference. "Based on studies, up to 70% ng chance mong magkaroon ng obesity comes from your parents,” he added. 

(If your mother and father are both obese, you also have a chance of getting obesity. Based on studies, up to 70% of your chance of obesity comes from your parents.) 

“Unfortunately, hindi naman nating pwedeng piliin ang mga magulang natin [we cannot choose our parents]. So, we were born into a family who already has the genetic predisposition to obesity, just like the genetic predisposition to diabetes, and even genetic predisposition to hypertension,” he added. 

With this, the doctor appealed to the public not to be judgemental when they see individuals with obesity, as the reason for developing such a disease differs from one person to another. 

“I don’t want you to think that the only reason why you develop obesity is because you eat much. No. It is already inside you—you have the genes, you have the hormones, and therefore, some of these are not within your control,” Nicodemus said. 

On the other hand, there are the exogenous factors which he said can be controlled. These include food and beverage intake, smoking, physical activity, lifestyle, chronic stress, and sleep duration. 

“Based on studies, if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, your risk of developing obesity is high. If you sleep more than 10 hours a day, your risk of obesity is also high,” he said. 

In May, the Department of Science and Technology - Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI) reported a significant increase in overweight and obesity prevalence among Filipino adolescents, from 11.6% in 2018 to 13% in 2021.

The DOST-FNRI warned that nutrition-related problems arise when a person reaches adolescence due to the consumption of low-nutrient energy-dense foods, excessive consumption of added sugar and fats, and inadequate intake of micronutrients.

To address overweight and obesity, World Health Organization (WHO) Philippines technical specialist April Joy David underscored the importance of physical activity in one’s health and wellbeing, which can be done through any bodily movement like doing sports, walking, active recreation, among others. 

According to David, physical activity can prevent and help manage coronary heart disease, hypertension, and type-2 diabetes, and it can help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers like breast and colon cancer. 

Being physically active, she added, can also lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as enhance brain health, including cognitive function and academic performance.

— LA, GMA Integrated News

Tags: obesity