
Nurture your kid’s gifted brain to its highest potential

Nurture your kid’s gifted brain to its highest potential

Drone shows have become increasingly popular during concerts, festivals, sports competitions, and more. They are a great source of wonder and entertainment as lights bring shapes and colors that draw our eyes to the sky.

The drone show held at the Marikina Sports Center attracted many admiring eyes to the spectacle brought about by hundreds of tiny lights climbing heavenward. It was impressive and magical, but what was most interesting about it was the team behind the operation.

One of the drone operators is Gordon Lund and he was only 6 years old during the flight. Two adult drone operators assisted him, but the crew ultimately let him program the drones himself. Handling the computerized flying of 100 drones for the color show, the synchronized display was truly a breakthrough performance from a gifted kid.

Gordon’s first encounter with a drone was at 2 years old when his father miscalculated and crashed it, sending Gordon into a fit of laughter. Later on, the same happens to Gordon, which in turn sends his father into his own laughing fit.

The Lunds made sure to nurture Gordon playfulness and curiosity by providing him with stimulating activities that expose him to different things that may catch his interest. Gordon says his assignments and kids’ clubs keep him busy outside of learning how to operate drones.

Aside from immersing kids in lessons and stimulation, clinically proven nutrition is essential so that they not only grow and develop strong bodies but also fully develop their gifted brains. Make sure that kids get the proven nutrition for brain development such as DHA and MOS+, or advanced nutrients such as Alpha-lipids, Choline, and Lutein.

Take a look at Gordon and what helped his parents nurture his gifted brain:

It is easy to monitor physical growth and changes in the body but more difficult to identify those of the mind. This is why we have to be sure about optimal nutrition for the brain. Promil supplies clinically proven nutrients to assure parents that their kids can grow into their full potential.

Together with proper diet and exercise, Promil helps double up brain development with its NutriGift system with clinically proven DHA and MOS+. Promil Gold has their most advanced clinically proven formula, including Alpha-Lipids, inspired by the world’s first pediatric neuroimaging research*.

We’ve always known that every kid has the potential to be gifted, much like the many Promil Gifted Kids introduced to us before who showed excellence in art, language, chess, and more. This time our new Promil Gifted Kid Gordon is ready to light up the sky.


*Study was done among infants


ASC Reference No.: W0139P060923P

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