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Joyce Pring shares her biggest regrets from her 20s ahead of her 30th birthday

Joyce Pring is turning 30 in a few days and on Instagram Stories Monday, she revealed her two biggest regrets.

According to the Kapuso celebrity, her first big regret was spending the first five years of her 20s, dating "without the intention of marriage."

"I know I learned a lot and I'm grateful for the lessons I've learned from dating, but I honestly wish I had spent that time instead with my friends."

Joyce said she constantly found herself struggling and getting hurt and wished she spent the time traveling, being with friends, or doing things on her own. "Dating for fun was no fun at all," she said.

Her second biggest regret was not being able to experience living in another country, "even just for a few months."

"I always said I wanted to live in the a different place (preferably somewhere with different seasons), try out a different (normal) job, and fully immerse myself in a different culture, but I never got to do it," Joyce wrote.

"To this day, I wish I had done it," she said, thought she did live in the UK for a few months for school and it changed her life.

"In general, I have a lot of 'I wish I knew better moments'," Joyce indulged her IG followers with another IG Stories post.

"There is really no point in holding onto regrets. I believe everything happens for a reason or a season and I'm grateful for everything that happened in my 20s." She said.

Joyce ended her little Q&A by saying she also wished she married Juancho sooner. "If we had met earlier in our 20s and were already in the same heat, heart, soul-space as we did when we met at 25, I would've love to have married sooner," she added.

While she still would've had babes at 27, "married at 20 with my best friend traveling the world and working?! That would've been ideal."

Joyce said she will definitely have a birthday reflection episode on her podcast, and you know what? We truly cannot wait.

In the meantime, an advanced happy birthday to you, Joyce! — LA, GMA Integrated News