
Avoid #GandaNaSana moments

Girl looking back, scratching her scalp

Besides serving looks and a winning smile, body language can be a power move in making good first impressions. Confidence or nerves can reflect through the way you sit or your mannerisms, so keep those in check. In some situations, dandruff can make an appearance and we can’t help but scratch an itch here and there. Once is fine, twice is kind of sketchy, but continuous scratching? That itchuation might send the wrong signal.

Just a single scratch ruins a first impression. To perfectly describe #GandaNaSana moments, Filipino Hip Hop Artists ALLMO$T and Juan Caoile collabed for a bop! Most known for their chart-topping tunes, the phenomenal rap group and the rising soloist released a track infused with catchy lyrics and beats. The single, titled Ganda Na Sana, is actually inspired by real-life stories of people’s #GandaNaSana moments. They tell the story of how scratching an itch, even if you’re the prettiest girl in the room, can heavily impact your overall look. Give it a watch here:

Did you spot all the #GandaNaSana moments in the music video? Let’s break down all the itchuations that could’ve been avoided if not for excessive scratching:

The New Girl Entrance

Being the newest addition in a friend group can be nerve-wracking. Making a good impression is a top priority – especially when you’re eyeing a cutie. However, not knowing half the people in the room will leave you scratching your head. When you do it literally, it can be a red flag.

Head-scratching can be an indication of confusion. It might leave the impression that you stumbled into the wrong place, which can be embarrassing. All the time spent in making your personal appearance pleasing might go down the drain – ganda na sana

Jamming out at Karaoke Night

Karaoke nights are bound to be fun – especially if your crush is attending. Imagine this, you’re sat next to them and they’re singing for you, like a picture-perfect movie scene. Then, you feel it – the itching sensation on your scalp.

It can really interrupt the moment.  An itchy scalp can even send the impression of poor hair hygiene. Ganda na sana… am I right?

The Out-of-Town Pool Party

Pool parties bring people closer – which is an opportunity you have to take with your crush.

However, the time you took in preparing your outfit can mean nothing if you’re scratching your scalp out of nowhere. Body language conveys messages that spoken words don’t. It might leave the message that you’re unsure of your presence in the party. Yikes - ganda na sana

You deserve itchuation-free days. Avoid #GandaNaSana moments like these from happening with a shampoo that protects your scalp. Head & Shoulders makes your hair 100% dandruff and itch-free! It’s clinically proven to protect your scalp from dandruff-causing germs. When used regularly, Head & Shoulders helps prevent dandruff and itch from coming back. You can also flip your hair all day, every day with Head & Shoulders’ mas pinabangong formula. Do you want smooth and silky hair or have your scalp feeling cool? Grab your Head & Shoulders of choice at this online beauty store!

Make the world your own beauty music video by joining Head & Shoulders’ #GandaNaSana dance challenge on Tiktok! It’s easy-peasy, and they even posted a tutorial! Follow Head & Shoulders’ Facebook and Tiktok Page to learn the moves.

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