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Dawn Zulueta shares realizations she turns 52: 'I got to re-evaluate myself and my priorities'

Dawn Zulueta took to Instagram to share photos of herself looking ageless as she turns 52 years old.

On Instagram, Dawn posted beautiful snapshots of herself donning what seemed to be a Princess Diana-inspired hair and said, "52 today. Blessed to see another year." 

Dawn looked back to her last birthday, saying she "had no idea that in just a matter of days the world would turn itself inside out due to the #covid_19 pandemic." 

For Dawn, it was a chance to "reflect deeper about how precious life is as we wept with those who lost their battles and stood strong with those who still fight."

Additionally, Dawn said "in one year, I got to re-evaluate myself and my priorities."

"A full year of sifting and shaking so that I am only left with what matters most," she added.



Dawn ended her note thanking her followers, friends, and supporters.

"I thank every one of you, who even through SocMed, gave a kind word of support, encouragement, a word of peace and love. Thank You for helping me get through the year that was  #birthday #4March #quarantinelife," she wrote.

Last September, the Filipino actress proudly posted selfies showing off her grown-out natural hair — gray strands and all.

— Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/LA, GMA News

Tags: dawn zulueta