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Former beauty queen Samantha Lo wins Century Tuna Superbod 2020

Samantha Ashley Lo is the female grand winner of the Century Tuna Superbod 2020.

On Instagram, the former beauty queen shared photos of herself on stage during the finals of the competition and said, “I learned that real victory starts with the people you surround yourself with; because titles come and go but who will be waiting for you outside of those doors after you have passed that title on?” 

Samantha put the spotlight on her family and said she is assured of her family's support regardless of the competition's outcome. 

“I know that my mom and dad will always be waiting outside of those doors ready to hug me and tell me what a wonderful job I did, win or lose,” she added.



How did I stay strong? I learned that real victory starts with the people you surround yourself with; because titles come and go but who will be waiting for you outside of those doors after you have passed that title on? I know that my mom and dad will always be waiting outside of those doors ready to hug me and tell me what a wonderful job I did, win or lose. I know that my sisters will be blowing up my phone like crazed fans who were meeting me for the first time, even though we all came from the same womb, @jen.houck would say “Oooooh my gosh Sam you looked amazing I can’t believe it you just looked so stunning omg I’m so excited this is so cool!” And @lo_allie would say “HEeEeEyYy WHO’S THE SUPERBOD?!” While waving her neon posters in the air not caring who’s face she just whacked with her giant cartolina. And @janrubin_ would scream “OH MY GOD YOU DID IT! CONGRATULATIONS I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!” Along with several of my other close friends who would be crying for reasons I still have yet to understand. That’s how I stayed strong, no matter what kind of pandemic 2020 has to bring I know that I will stand tall because this is the kind of love that surrounds me. Do yourself one right, fill your life with love because we all deserve that. ? Thank you Sir @banzongreg and @centurytunasuperbods family for this opportunity to start fresh and have a new purpose. It is an honor to be an ambassador of a lifestyle I totally believe in and I can’t wait to continue to inspire others through what I love doing. #CenturyTunaSuperbod2020 #GrandWinner #SuperbodSamL #StayStrongPilipinas

A post shared by Samantha Ashley Villar Lo (@samantha_ashley_lo) on


The 27-year-old celebrity was named as the  female grand winner in a pre-recorded finals on Facebook.

The male grand winner was Sam Ajdani, who like her was also a pageant title holder.

“No matter what kind of pandemic 2020 has to bring I know that I will stand tall because this is the kind of love that surrounds me,” she wrote.

“Do yourself one right, fill your life with love because we all deserve that,” she advised her followers.

She ended her note thanking her Century Tuna Superbods family.

“It is an honor to be an ambassador of a lifestyle I totally believe in and I can’t wait to continue to inspire others through what I love doing,” she wrote.

Before winning, Samantha expressed regret over “the person I had let myself become” and assured that she’s working on being a healthier and better person.

In October 2019, Samantha opened up about the tough times she experienced in her bid to represent the country for the Miss Grand International pageant. — Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/LA, GMA News