
These are the vitamins that help improve your immune system

The immune system is your body’s natural line of defense against harmful germs that can make you sick. Without a healthy immune system, your body can’t effectively fight off disease-causing virus, bacteria, and fungi. Having a strong immunity is especially crucial now more than ever.

Most people tend to take Vitamin C hoping to strengthen their resistance to illnesses. While it is a great immunity booster, it is not the only nutrient that can raise your level of defense. There are several more vitamins that your body needs to make sure your immune system is working at its best.

Vitamin D aids in strengthening your respiratory health

People who get enough Vitamin D have stronger respiratory health, making them less susceptible to acute respiratory tract infections like colds, flu, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. This is because Vitamin D improves your immune response. It triggers the release of T-cells, which seek and destroy any aggressive pathogens that enter the body. Without enough Vitamin D, your body won’t be able to combat serious infections. Vitamin D also enhances the fighting capability of white blood cells, enabling them to produce microbe-fighting proteins that kill infections.

The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight, which is a rare commodity these days due to the ongoing quarantine that requires us to stay indoors. This makes Vitamin D supplementation necessary for most people.

Selenium helps raise your defense against viral infections

Selenium is an essential mineral that creates powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants then protect your body against cell damage and infections. Selenium has been shown to improve a person’s response against viral infections like the flu. Those with adequate amounts of this nutrient are more likely to recover from their illness faster than those with selenium deficiency. Sources of selenium include wheat, rice, and meat.

Vitamin A aids in keeping inflammation in check

Inflammation is your body’s defense mechanism to protect you against infections and injuries. It signals the immune system to find, heal, and repair any damaged tissue as well as fight off harmful germs. However, too much inflammation can cause the body damage over time instead of healing it. Vitamin A is known as an anti-inflammatory vitamin because it keeps your body’s inflammation levels in balance.

Vitamin A improves your immune response with its mucus production, which lines your digestive and the respiratory tract and creates a barrier against infections. It plays a role in the development of white blood cells and antibodies, both of which remove harmful pathogens that can endanger your health.

This vitamin can be found in eggs, meat, and liver. Orange and yellow vegetables and fruits are rich in beta-Carotene, which your body converts into Vitamin A. It acts as an antioxidant that protects your cells from damage.

Zinc helps you heal faster from infections

Zinc has been shown to help people heal faster from infections like the common cold, especially those who get enough of it as the symptoms appear. Zinc is also vital in having a balanced immune response. It helps control infections by signaling when your immune system should shut down its defenses, preventing it from causing excessive inflammation in the body. Most people get zinc from meats, poultry, and seafood.

To secure the sufficient amount of these immunity-boosting vitamins even under the ongoing quarantine, take Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Advance) and Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Silver Advance). Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Advance), for adults below 50, and Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Silver Advance), for adults 50 and up, are specially formulated to help protect your health with over 25 vitamins and minerals including more than 100% of the required daily levels for Vitamin D, Selenium, Vitamin A and Zinc.

Always remember to complement your daily intake of Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Advance) and Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Silver Advance) with proper diet and exercise to help maintain a healthy immune system.

Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Advance) and Multivitamins + Minerals (Centrum Silver Advance) are available in Mercury Drug, Watsons, Southstar Drug, and Rose Pharmacy and other drugstores nationwide.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

ASC ref no. P083P052720CS

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