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Solenn Heussaff bares bikini caesarean cut from giving birth to Baby Thylane

Solenn Heussaff posted a photo of her bikini caesarean cut from giving birth to Baby Thylane.

The Kapuso actress-host shared the photo on her Instagram story and said it was for the moms who have been asking her.

"For moms asking, my CS is bikini cut super low. Don't feel numbness and feel okay to workout," Solenn wrote in her post.


Instagram Story: Solenn Heussaff
Instagram Story: Solenn Heussaff

Aside from the bikini cut, the photo also showed her linea nigra or the pregnancy line and that tattoo she got from when she was 13, which Solenn admits to regretting "but memories are there I love."

Meanwhile, Solenn also promised to post the breathing exercises she does every day.





To my Postpartum peops, heres a quick workout you can do. Of course listen to your body and avoid certain movements if you feel pain ( ask your OB). Im C- Section 2 1/2 months postpartum. Have started walking uphill at 2 months 3 times a week, and now started slowly working out to regain muscle strength. Thank you @coachinigo for the LDR workout tips :) Exercise | Reps | Sets •Glute Bridges with Hip Abduction | 15-20 | 3 •Glute Bridged with Hip Adduction (use a ball or pillow and squeeze) | 15-20 | 3 •Wallsit with Dumbell lateral raises | 20 seconds | 2 •Wallsit with dumbell curls | 20 seconds | 2 •Banded Clams | 20-25 | 3 •Bodyweight squats (sumo stance) | 10-15 | 3 •Bird-dog (You could increase difficulty by holding a very light weight with your outstretched arm) | 20 seconds | 3 #HotSosFitnessClub #RoadToMe

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Solenn gave birth to Baby Thylane on New Year's Day but it was only last week that Solenn officially introduced Baby Thylane to the public.

After her post, dad Nico shared a complete family photo of  the three of them together.

—Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/LA, GMA News