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Grow it out, trim, or try hairless? The benefits and possible risks of going bare down there

It's almost summer, so talk among women about going hairless in several — or actually, specific bodily area is rife.

Should I shave? Should I wax? Should I all-out wax? How about laser? Here, we focus on the bikini area, and turn to experts to know the advantages and possible risks of going hairless in our privates.


Illustration by Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/GMA News
Illustration by Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/GMA News

Why Go All Out Bare, TBH?

The reasons for going hairless in your privates vary from woman to woman, but some of the common reasons would be wanting to don a bikini bottom without worrying about “unsightly hair” peeking out, or simply wanting to feel cleaner down there.

Some pregnant women or those taking a trip to their OB-GYN are also under the notion that they need to go hairless down there prior to their appointment or before giving birth. 

For Isa Isip De Jesus, she was spurred to go bare down there and do a Brazilian wax because of an upcoming beach trip. Ten years later, she’s still at it. “Nowadays, I do it for hygiene,” Isa says, “Waxing is definitely more convenient than shaving, and it grows well. It feels cleaner down there, too—I would highly recommend it.”

Why do We Have Pubic Hair Anyway?

Having hair in certain parts of the body serves a purpose. Much like animals with their fur, it protects that portion of the skin by “catching” bacteria, dirt, and other unwanted elements. “There is a reason why there is hair growing down there,” Dermatologist Oscar S.D. Grino, Jr.,  states. “It is primarily for protection against bacteria to enter the pubic region.”

Is Going Hairless the Best Option?

Quick answer: It depends. With all procedures, it comes with its own positive and negative effects, and the experience is different for each woman.

If it’s going to be your first time to shave down there completely, then you have to be completely careful not to cut yourself—cuts will be the gateway of bacteria to seep into your system.

If you’re going into the Brazilian wax route, there will definitely be pain. Isa says that for her first time, she recalls it being painful that she kept crying. “My friend and I were crying in each other’s cubicles and we can hear each other, so it turned into a laugh-cry. It was an experience—it certainly built our characters! Nowadays it’s less painful—I don’t drink painkillers, I just suck it up and have an ePub or a really interesting article to read while I’m in my appointment.”  The procedure also gets more painful than usual when you have your menstrual cycle.

For Dr. Lariza Bautista Luna, a Fellow of Philippine Obstetrics and Gynecology, she says that beyond the pain, waxing can also sometimes cause irritation, which could lead to scratching the genital area, opening the area up, which may lead to infection.

She adds, “Patients who are pregnant, or have medical or skin conditions, like psoriasis and diabetes, are more at risk for complications like infections, because they are already immuno-compromised or have low immunity. You have to consider the sanitation and hygiene of the salon, as well as the expertise of the person performing the procedure,” she advises.

For Isa, while she may have been a patron of going hairless for a decade, it wasn’t without any risks. She opted to head to another waxing salon after she suspected that a waxing done in her previous waxing salon caused her to get Urinary Tract Infection, or UTI. “I changed salons five years ago because of that, and for some reason, when I get my waxing done in my current salon, it hurts less.”

What are my other options?

Dr. Grino suggests that rather than going bare, you can simply trim the area. “I don’t recommend Brazilian waxing to women, because I still believe that protecting the area against bacteria is much more important,” He stresses.

For Dr. Luna, she always says yes whenever her patients ask her if it’s okay to go hairless. “But I always remind and advise my patients that the procedure can cause a little pain, of course, depending on the patient’s pain threshold, and to be aware of the sanitation, hygiene, and expertise of the salon performing the procedure. ”

The verdict? It boils down to necessity. With any procedure, no matter how menial or major, there will always be risks or side effects. If you feel that you need to be fuzz-free down there to flaunt your bikini body with no qualms, going bare may be worth it. — LA, GMA News

Tags: waxing, health, beauty