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12 ways to fight stress, according to DOH

Who hasn’t been stressed? According to psychologist Dr. Randy Dellosa stress in itself is not bad. It’s part of life that we all go through.

"When it's emotional we tend to feel drained, and anxious and it can make us emotionally numb. when you get overwhelmed by something, your body tends to shut down," Dellosa tells Balitanghali.

When left untreated, stress can lead to depression, which is a harder illness to cure, oftentimes entailing therapy and medication. A person suffering depression may feel a loss of motivation, hatred of oneself to the point of hurting himself, acts of suicide, or substance abuse.

The Department of Health shared the 12 S’s that should help anybody who is going through a stressful time.

  1. Self-awareness, or being sensitive to your needs, wants, feelings, and boundaries
  2. Scheduling. Organize your time so you don’t drown in work and you’re able to attend to different aspects of your life.
  3. Siesta. It’s important to learn how to rest while checking off your to-do list.
  4. Speak. It’s important to not keep everything bottled up inside. If something’s bothering you, speak. If you don’t get it, ask. And if you can’t do it anymore, ask for help.
  5. Sounds. Music can help you relax, boost your mood, and cheer you on with your tasks at hand.
  6. Sensation. We all know how important massages are, no? Even a 15-minute massage can do wonders!
  7. Stretching. A little body movement will freshen you and brain up.
  8. Socials. Having a support group you know you can turn to, and who has your back, is a great help in dealing with stress.
  9. Smile. It’s such a small thing but smiling can do wonders. If not for you, then for someone.
  10. Sports. It will not only allow your brain to rest (from the way it’s been working), but sports can also harness another part of your brain, or get it to work another way.
  11. Stress debriefing. Stress can be traumatizing. Stress debriefing not only lessens the impact of this trauma, it can also help you recover from it.
  12. Spirituality. Believing in a higher being who has you back can take the load off you.

If you’re feeling depressed, or know someone who might be depressed, call the DOH hopeline:

  • +632 8044673
  • +639175584673
  • 2919

— LA, GMA News

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