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Epik High travels around Manila in search of the best fried chicken

Epik High travels around Manila in search of the best fried chicken

Epik High made the most of their time in Manila.

As seen in their latest video on YouTube, the South Korean hip-hop trio composed of Tablo, Mithra Jin, and DJ Tukutz went on an adventure in search of the best fast food fried chicken in the capital.

Tablo—who wore a shirt that read “I f-cking love fried chicken,” told viewers, “So we hear the best fried chicken in the world is right here in Manila.”

He then shared the spots that they would go to: Jollibee, Uncle John’s or convenience store chicken that is “amazing, apparently," and 24 Chicken, “this Korean fried chicken place that is only in Manila.”

“These three are apparently the chicken kings here,” Tablo said.

Their first stop was the popular fast food chain. 

“This place is totally a hot spot,” Tablo said. The trio then agreed that the chicken has rich flavors.

Mithra Jin ate the chicken with his hands and said, “Oh, it’s got a nice saltiness.” He also gave some hacks on how to debone chicken.

Tukutz added, “The salt level is perfect. The crispiness of the batter is really good.” He noted that it is perfect with rice.

“When it meets the gravy, the flavor is complete," said Tablo.

“I wish I could take some of this gravy home,” he added. “It was worth flying here for this.”

Epik High’s next stop was Uncle John’s, which they heard had great chicken. They also talked to locals, who recommended orders.

They did not have cash, and hilariously asked for money from a shop visitor. Then on their way out to eat, they said hello to waiting fans.

Epik High sat on the curb outside the store to eat their chicken.

Mithra Jin said although the chicken was not crispy, the flavor was good and that it is perfect with beer. “Honestly, my personal taste leans more towards this one.”

“I finished it in three bites,” Mithra Jin added. “It’s got a nice kick. It’s definitely spicy.”

Tablo and DJ Tukutz enjoyed the chicken skin, with the latter saying it could even be sold separately.

Finally, they tried the Korean-style chicken of 24 Chicken. They ordered the bestselling Jack Daniel’s and original flavors, and were overjoyed to also order kimchi.

The artists gushed over the flavors of the original flavored chicken, and also became speechless in between bites. Tablo personally high-fived and thanked the cooks.

“I wasn’t expecting this flavor, it just hit me out of nowhere,” DJ Tukutz said.

Mithra Jin also said it has a unique flavor.

Then when they tried the Jack Daniel’s, DJ Tukutz said, “I need a beer. This is insane!”

Tablo said, “This flavor, I’ve never had anything like this anywhere in the world. This is a completely new taste for me.” He added that it has a rich taste of whisky.

“You can’t eat this anywhere else. It’s definitely worth trying,” Mithra Jin said.

In the end, Tablo and Mithra Jin named Jollibee as their favorite chicken because of the way it was cooked and how it complements well with the gravy.

DJ Tukutz, on the other hand, said 24 Chicken was the best for him because of its ambiance as a developing small business. He even offered to be an investor and move to the Philippines to work for them.

Epik High was in Manila for the Waterbomb Festival in February. They also performed in the country in 2022 for Hallyuween.

—Nika Roque/CDC, GMA Integrated News

Tags: Epik High