
Getting in the zone with Pinoy street games and merienda

Getting in the zone with Pinoy street games and merienda

Those whose childhoods were spent without smartphones will fondly recall playing in the street with other kids from the neighborhood. Before social media and online apps, fun was found in Pinoy games mostly played outdoors with old cans and lines in the dirt. So when there was a chance to relive these experiences through a taste of popular Pinoy games, many jumped at the chance.

Which Pinoy game was your favorite when you were growing up? Some of the most popular games were jackstones, piko (hopscotch), tumbang preso (knock down the can), patintero (block the runner), and taguan (hide and seek).

Being part of these games became bonding experiences for many, and a way of making new friends for some. There was laughter, competition, scraped knees, but most of all, fond memories. Reliving the enjoyment of these Pinoy street games became part of making life delicious at the Heinz Red Zone.

The Heinz Red Zone sought to bring the Heinz heritage closer to Filipinos by demonstrating the qualities of connection, excellence, and shared experiences. After a lively session of play, merienda would soon follow, just the way we like it.

Take a look at the fun activities in the Heinz Red Zone:

Celebrating 155 years of greatness, the Palarong Heinz section showed how all-real goodness continually goes into Heinz products all these years. Along with the Pinoy style play of jackstones, tumbang preso, and piko, a stage in the Heinz process is introduced, from harvesting to packaging. After all the games, each participant got a free Heinz loot bag and a merienda combo meal!  

The Heinz crew got real with us and told us about their Heinz experiences!

-Mimiyuuuh’s favorite game was piko because it brings back childhood memories. Heinz Tomato Ketchup was always part of her baon days long ago but she recently discovered that Heinz [Seriously] Good Mayonnaise is perfect for sisig!

-Benedict Cua loved tumbang preso and says Heinz Tomato Ketchup with Lea & Perrins Worcestershire is his go-to for fried chicken.

-Piko was Ady Cotoco’s favorite Red Zone activity. He tops his fries with bacon and Heinz Rich and Creamy Truffle Mayonnaise.

-After making quick work of the tumbang preso stage, Emilio Daez reveals that he always uses his favorite Heinz Tomato Ketchup on burgers and chicken nuggets.

-Cocoy Lim recounts that she struggled a bit with jackstones but tumbang preso was really her game.  She has also recently discovered Heinz Rich and Creamy Truffle Mayonnaise and uses it for all her favorite fried foods.

Widita Wimala, Kraft Heinz’s Head of Marketing for South, South East Asia, and Hong Kong, put it best when she said that Heinz aims to make life more delicious. Because food is the love language of Filipinos, Heinz starts by taking our meals to a new level. That’s why #ItHasToBeHeinz.

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