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Leche flan ranks third in TasteAtlas's Best Custards in the World

Leche flan made it to the third spot of TasteAtlas's Top 10 Best Rated Custards in the World!

The website described leche flan as "essentially a caramel custard consisting of milk, sugar, and eggs, with the addition of vanilla flavoring."

"Traditionally, it's oval-shaped due to the use of tin molds called llaneras. It is recommended to serve it chilled and coated with leftover caramel syrup," it added.

The dessert, often present at Filipino gatherings, was introduced to the country during the Spanish colonization, "so it is believed that it has origins in the regions on the border of Spain and France."

Meanwhile, Wisconsin, USA's frozen custard received the highest spot, followed by France's crème brûlée.

In June, sorbetes and halo-halo made it to TasteAtlas' Top 50 Best Frozen Desserts in the World.

—Carby Basina/MGP, GMA Integrated News