
“Yan ang bata!”: How kids spark change for a better tomorrow

“Yan ang bata!”: How kids spark change for a better tomorrow

If someone calls you “isip-bata”, you will probably feel offended. In our culture today, “isip-bata”, or to think like a child, is just another way of saying you are being immature, unreliable, naïve, silly, and childish. But why do we put such a negative association with the word “child” when we know that kids can achieve great things? Carelessly throwing around the term “isip-bata”, especially around a child, can be belittling and harmful to their development.

It is time to change this mentality!

Children’s ideas are magic. It comes from their endless imagination and curiosity about the things around them. They see the world differently than adults. It is from this unique point of view that enables them to come up with gems of ideas that have the potential to be something ingenious.

Take a look at 9-year-old Jade Go Patawaran. Despite her young age, Jade dreamed of making a difference. She invented a flood detection system, which started as a simple school project, and turned it into a working device that can actually be used in flood-prone areas in the country. Jade is proof that with the right guidance and nurturing, kids can even come up with fresh and impactful solutions to real-life problems. They can become the changemakers we need in the world today.

This is how Tang wants to redefine what the word “isip-bata” means for Filipinos. As a brand that believes in empowering children, Tang knows how important it is to have a nurturing environment where kids can uplift their skills and creativity. Encouraging kids - and even adults! - to have a growth mindset can cultivate their passion for learning and discovery.

Enter the Tang Kidnovator Camp, a specialized workshop that provides young dreamers the platform to share their ideas on how to build a better future for everyone. Through a series of activities led by experts, the Camp will teach 40 kids from all over Metro Manila about the power of innovation and give them the opportunity to turn their big ideas into reality. Armed with Tang’s Vitamins C, D, and Zinc, the Kidnovator Camp will empower the participating kids to make a bigger impact in their communities.

From “isip-bata” to “’Yan ang isip-bata!” It’s time to break away from the old way of thinking and showcase that being a kid means someone who can change the world one action at a time.

Follow Tang on Facebook to learn how your kids can join the Tang Kidnovator Camp!

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