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Five foods that love your skin

Moisturizing, anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, regenerating… the list of beauty creams and skin products can go on and on, all promising to give you healthy glowing skin. While these high-tech and high-priced products might help you get that flawless complexion, all they do is an outside job that does not maximize your skin’s beauty potential. There’s a lower-priced yet healthier alternative that does just as well, maybe even better. Nutrient–rich foods work from the inside to tap into your body’s natural moisturizing, anti-aging, regenerating and beautifying power. Now that’s literally beauty that comes from within. Here are some foods to help you get that beautiful blooming skin.

Low-fat yogurt. This creamy snack packs a lot of vitamin A that takes care of your skin’s health. On top of promoting good vision, vitamin A promotes cell growth and repairs skin damage. It is also said to reduce the production of sebum, one of the main triggers of acne. Other good sources of vitamin A are green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli – toss them up in a salad or mix them with your favorite entrée. Your skin will stay smooth, soft and flawless with a daily dose of vitamin A.
Oranges. We’ve been told that foods rich in vitamin C help keep the sniffles and coughs away. But one other beautifying benefit you get from eating vitamin–rich fruits is to keep sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles at bay. Vitamin C is the key to the production of collagen, a type of protein that keeps the skin strong and flexible. Grapefruits, guavas, lychees and kiwis are better and cheaper alternatives to collagen injections. Add these juicy fruits to your daily meals to keep your skin looking young and firm.
Berries. The black, blue and red variety ranks as the highest source of anti-oxidants, a group of vitamins and minerals that eat up free radicals. Caused by pollution, cigarette smoke, sun exposure and a bad diet, free radicals damage the healthy cells in your body. What this means for your skin is dryness and wrinkling. Aim for a daily serving of healthy berries to keep your skin smooth and supple. Not fond of berries? You can still get your antioxidant fix from sweet potatoes and tomatoes.
Whole-wheat cereal. Eating whole-wheat cereals for breakfast is a good way to get your supply of selenium, a mineral that works with vitamins C and A to fight free radicals. Another benefit of going whole-wheat? You’ll be too full to eat refined carbs such as white bread, rice and cake -- the worst foods for your skin. These “white foods" cause a spike in your insulin levels that contribute to inflammation and skin breakouts. So the next time you’re in the bread or pasta aisle, look for the whole wheat variety so you can keep your skin blemish-free.
Green tea. This variety has the highest amount of skin-loving EGCG. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate is a compound that prevents inflammation, which is related to acne and skin aging. Applying green tea topically can help protect the skin from sun damage. Another reason to love green tea is L-theanine, an amino acid that has a calming and soothing effect on the body. Since it causes breakouts and makes your skin age faster, stress is one of your skin’s greatest enemies so the less stress you have, the younger your skin will be. Of course, water is still one of the cheapest natural moisturizers at your disposal. Drinking up to one liter a day ensures that your skin is hydrated, nutrients are absorbed and toxins are flushed out of the body. When your skin cells are healthy, the result will be naturally radiant and beautiful skin. Remember that you are what you eat. When you take in nutritious food that nourishes your body, that healthy glow will show on your skin too. Load up on these healthy foods that nourish your skin and let your beauty shine from within. – YA, GMANews.TV References: