
“Raise” Against Time

Cover photo showing mom and kid

No matter the era, parenting is a tough act. There may be “time-tested” principles when it comes to raising children, but the truth is, parenting is a continuous learning experience. This is why it is a blessing that nowadays, there are abundant resources to help parents navigate this experience.

From being a task that was exclusively for two people, parenting has evolved to be an endeavor that can be shared in a community.  Parents have more tools to broaden their knowledge through the internet especially with their connections on social media. Let's look at some parenting techniques during our parents' time, and the parenting ways of today.

Silence vs. Sharing
Before, children were expected to just listen and obey. Parents were seen as the infallible authorities inside the house. Nowadays, there is a more interactive dynamic between parent and child. Children are encouraged to be more open with their experiences and feelings, while parents guide them on managing varying circumstances and emotions.

Punishment vs. Positive reinforcement 
Mischief can be a child’s second nature. Pamamalo (spanking) and other physical forms of punishment were the standards of discipline to deal with children’s misbehavior back then. Nowadays, positive reinforcement is one of the top disciplining moves among new parents. Parents are now focused on correcting behavior through explanation rather than handing out negative consequences, shifting the emphasis from reward-and-punishment to long-term behavior improvement. 

Sayings vs. Science
Caring for children naturally comes with ensuring their physical health. Before, “sabi ng matatanda” (our elders said) and some popular “pamahiin” (cultural beliefs) would bear more weight. Nowadays, medical advice that’s backed by science prevails. From ensuring that children get proper nutrition, vitamins, and medication, to being on track with their growth milestones, parents now rely on the opinion of doctors and other experts.

Finish your food vs. Finish with fun
Do you remember when you had to finish what was on your plate before leaving the table? Such was the mealtime practice in the past. The current times have witnessed just how creative parents can get to make their children eat. Introducing colors, telling stories, or even gamifying mealtimes are just some modern approaches that parents have adopted to reinforce healthy eating habits.

Mealtime Struggle Vs. Modern Solution
While these modern days are filled with different parenting approaches and resources, a common challenge that still prevails among parents is ensuring their kids’ proper nutrition. Parents’ busy schedules, inconvenient food preparation and children’s food preferences are considerable hurdles in accomplishing said task, so much so that UNICEF data suggests that a third of Filipino children are short for their age.

Thankfully, parents can now turn to solutions like oral nutrition supplements to address their kids’ growth concerns and fill gaps in their nourishment like PediaSure Plus. PediaSure Plus is scientifically formulated with 37 growth nutrients including emerging growth nutrients to help children with growth concerns reach their full growth potential. It has Arginine and Vitamin K2 to help support strong bones (with three balanced meals and exercise).



By drinking the recommended five scoops per serving of PediaSure Plus twice daily, children will have better appetite, gain weight and height, experience fewer sick days and sustained proportional growth. Kaya pag tuloy-tuloy ang pag-inom ng PediaSure Plus, tulong sa tuloy tuloy na pagtangkad (with three balanced meals and exercise).

(Continued consumption of PediaSure Plus helps with sustained growth)

Parenting techniques may change over time, but at their core is ensuring the overall wellbeing of a child. Priorities of one parent may differ from the other – some may prioritize the physical growth of their child and that’s valid. The beauty of parenting is that when essential needs are fulfilled, one can be certain that both parent and child will continue to grow over time.

To check if your child is growing healthily, use the PediaSure Plus Growth Calculator today!

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