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Bela Padilla mourns father’s death

Bela Padilla is mourning the sudden loss of her father, Cornelio Sullivan, who died in his sleep.

In an Instagram post on Monday night, Bela shared photos of them together through the years and wrote about how “Life really is a series of highs and lows.”

The actress, film director, and businesswoman said she remains thankful her dad did not experience any pain.

“Our dad passed away last night in his sleep and that is my only consolation in all of this. He wasn’t in pain and he hopefully was dreaming of the happy times in his life,” she wrote.

Bela shared “the most beautiful thing” her sister, Ceri, told her: “My dad loved us, his children, deeply. And he also loved himself. And that certainly is true. My dad loved life and lived his life to the fullest he could.”

She recalled how her dad would always know the cool places in the countries he traveled to, and that he always sang along to bands in bars.

“I love the water and I dive deeply because he taught me to swim and be fearless in the water at such an early age," she added.

"His ability to see a problem and think of several solutions first before reacting is something I try to practice.”

Bela said, “He never took no for an answer when he believed something was right and he made sure that everybody knew what ‘right’ was.”

The actress added that she never saw her father upset or angry.

“He was very empathetic but still madly funny,” she said. “And he gave the best hugs, never letting go first.”

Bela ended her post by saying that she would hold on to their memories.

“I will always wish for one more day, but that would be unfair. For now, and until paradise comes, the memories will tide us over,” she said.

Our hearts go out to Bela and the rest of the family. — Nika Roque/LA, GMA Integrated News

Tags: Bela Padilla