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Derek Ramsay's eldest son Austin turns 20!

Derek Ramsay's son Austin is 20!

On Instagram, the celebrity hunk posted a cute photo of the two of them and penned a note, welcoming Austin "to the next chapter of your life."

"It's crazy how time flies, little man. Happy 20th birthday," Derek wrote, before reminding him how much he loves him.

Derek called Austin his eldest, presumably in reference to Elias — the son of his wife Ellen Adarna with ex-boyfriend John Lloyd Cruz — whom Derek has also taken to calling his son.

In the comment section of his post, Derek indulged a follower, who asked if Ausin and Elias had the same birthday.

"One day apart," Derek said.

Elias just turned five on Tuesday, June 27, whom he also celebrated alongside Ellen and John Lloyd.

Clearly there is much to celebrate in Casa Ramsay!

Happy birthday to Austin!



— LA, GMA Integrated News