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Ice Seguerra opens up about struggles of being part of the LGBTQIA+ community

Ice Seguerra got real about the struggles of being part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

In an Instagram post in time for Pride Month, the singer and actor penned his thoughts about the hate he and his family had been receiving for being part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

“It's sad to think that we are still judged not by our ability to love but by what’s between our legs. Society can quickly diminish a beautiful relationship simply because we are different,” Ice began.

“Coming out as a transman, I knew I would get a lot of hate. It's as if my coming out also gave people a license to insult my character and, worse, the people I love,” he added.

Ice said he's dealt with these people for as long as he can remember, and that bigotry and homophobic slurs are "part of my daily life." He also said it's "painful" when his family is dragged into the hate and judgment.

“We must constantly prove ourselves and go above and beyond to be ‘worthy’ of society’s acceptance," Ice said. "Never mind if we’re good people, they will reduce us to nothing to prove they are ‘right’ about who they think we are."

“People hate what they don’t understand," he added, "and it’s probably why it’s so easy for them to hate us.”

Despite the hate and the struggles that come along with it, Ice said they won't back down.

"We will fight till we get our place in the sun.”

He thanked his wife Liza Dino-Seguerra, daughter Amara, mom, brother, friends, and allies “for loving me enough to withstand all the hurtful things they say about us.”

“Thank you for holding the fort and being my sanctuary when it becomes too much,” he said. “You make me believe that love will always win.”

Ice and Liza got married in 2014 in California. They celebrated their 10th anniversary in January.

Aside from his work as an actor and singer, Ice has also dabbled in directing.




—Nika Roque/JCB, GMA Integrated News