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Jake Ejercito and daughter Ellie get piercings together in Europe

As Jake Ejercito and his daughter Ellie travel around Europe, they got something to keep together: ear piercings!

On Instagram, Jake posted a video of them getting gun piercings. It showed him going first and asking Ellie to hold his hand.




When he got teary, Ellie laughed and asked if it hurt. Jake said, “A bit.”

Meanwhile, Ellie bravely got her second ear piercing. Jake asked her how it felt, with Ellie saying, “Ouchy.” They then high-fived each other right after.

Jake and Ellie are clearly having the best time on their first Europe trip together. Reuniting in Spain to spend time with the Ejercito family, the two were able to recreate one of their photos from seven years ago and shopped for lots of candy. —Nika Roque/JCB, GMA News