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Marjorie Barretto on sending daughter Erich off to school: 'Our children are going back to normal'

After two years of online classes, Marjorie Barretto dropped her youngest daughter Erich off at school on Tuesday morning, April 5.

The former actress and politician turned vlogger shared a video on Instagram showing Erich complete in her uniform, entering the school for her first face-to-face classes.

“Slowly but surely our children are going back to normal, our new normal… I can’t believe it’s been more than 2 yrs since I last dropped her off to school,” Marjorie wrote in the caption.

She added that Erich is “so grown up now compared to the grade 2 student that she was that time, her uniform is [two] sizes bigger now!”

According to Marjorie, there’s nothing better for students than reuniting with their classmates and having people their age chat and play with them. Back to normal, indeed!

“She seems happy, that makes our 2 hours in traffic getting to school worth it,” the mother of five concluded.

Celebrities, like Judy Anne Santos, have been sharing their children's experiences of first day back at school — perhaps sharing in their children's feelings of joy, nervousness, and excitement, too — as schools ease restrictions in the face of dropping COVID-19 cases in the classes.

Good luck on your first day of school, Erich! — LA, GMA News