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PNoy's ex-girlfriend Barbara Milano mourns his passing

Former President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III's ex-girlfriend Barbara Milano took to Facebook to express her grief over his passing.

In her lengthy post, Milano was full of gratitude for all the "help and respect" that he paid her.

In Filipino, she wrote, "Who was I then? We didn't have the same circumstances in life. Who was I then, just a very ordinary person? Who was I then? I wasn't even rich."

Describing Aquino as "low-profile" and "simple," Milano said that he acted as if he wasn't the son of former president Cory Aquino.

"Ikaw na kapag aalis ka isa lang bodyguard mo, na minsan ikaw pa driver (When you would leave, you'd only have one bodyguard, and sometimes you'd even be the driver)," she wrote.


She added that he would talk to her about politics until morning, and that he always thought of his constituents over himself.

Milano even recalled a time when she called Aquino out on wearing a shirt that he just wore the other day.

"Sabi mo favorite mo suotin polo Lacoste na yun. Napakasimple mo talaga! (You said that Lactoste polo was your favorite. You really were so simple)," she said. "Maraming salamat sayo (Thank you very much)."

It was in 2000 that news of Aquino and Milano's relationship was first reported, according to

Milano later admitted that they were together at the time but they split up in 2001.

PNoy passed away on Thursday morning due to renal disease secondary to diabetes. He was 61.

He was laid to rest at the Manila Memorial Park on Saturday afternoon beside the tombs of his parents, democracy icons former Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. and former President Corazon "Cory" Aquino. —JCB, GMA News