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Alessandra de Rossi on what she learned about love in her 30s: 'Puwede naman palang chill lang'

At 36 years old, Alessandra de Rossi is happily single and having the time of her life as a strong independent woman.

Having had her fair share of relationships, however, the actress has some wisdom to impart when it comes to matters of the heart.

In an episode of "Share Ko Lang," Alex told psychologist Dr. Anna Tuazon that she has come to learn that love could actually be easy.

"Sa mga relationships ko before kasi siguro dahil younger din ako, younger din sila, parang it was so full of drama," she said.

"So puwede naman palang chill lang. Puwede pala 'yun na mayroon kang partner na hindi kayo nag-aaway—hindi pinag-aawayan 'yung mga bagay na hindi dapat pag-awayan," she added.

Doc Anna said this is due to the fact that many people think relationships should be exciting, and excitement is sometimes linked to drama.

"In real life, real relationships, hindi kailangan ng tension, climax, hindi kailangan ng big conflict, hindi kailangan ng third person coming in to change things up," she said.

Alex agreed and said that what people really need is a "peaceful relationship."

"'Yung parang somebody na kayang sakyan 'yung trip mo, kaya mo ring sakyan 'yung trip niya, without the drama," she said.

According to Doc Anna, people tend to want less things and be happy with simple things when they get older.

Alex also said maturity really makes a difference when handling relationship issues.

"Ngayon tumatanda na ako, I just want peace and quiet and people who trust me and whom I trust also. 'Yun lang pala yung kailangan ko," she said. —MGP, GMA News