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Singer Kyla suffers miscarriage, mourns loss of her angel

Singer Kyla Alvarez on Friday shared heartbreaking news with her Instagram followers. 

It's an uncomfortable topic, but Kyla has chosen to talk about her recent miscarriage. 

"This August, I was so happy and excited. I thought i was gonna be a mom again! We wanted to keep it a secret until the 1st trimester is over. And then we’ll share the happy news to everyone," she wrote.

"It was a sensitive pregnancy that i had to leave work for a while; take a bedrest, as advised by our doctor."

Kyla cancelled her appearance in several shows to focus on her pregnancy. Though she felt bad for missing work, she said that she wanted to give all her attention to her baby. However, she wasn't able to carry her little angel to term. 

"Last week, we lost our angel. Again. For the second time. My heart was breaking as i was being brought to the delivery room. I was not going to have a baby. I was having a miscarriage again. I felt like i was given the most beautiful gift and then taken back from me so fast," Kyla revealed.

Kyla also lost a baby April of last year. 


Hi.. This is something that i’m not comfortable talking about. But i want to say this for everyone who has been asking where i’ve been the last couple of weeks. This August, I was so happy and excited. I thought i was gonna be a mom again! We wanted to keep it a secret until the 1st trimester is over. And then we’ll share the happy news to everyone. It was a sensitive pregnancy that i had to leave work for a while; take a bedrest, as advised by our doctor. That’s why i haven’t been on tv and i had to forego some of the events where i had to sing, and shows including ASAP in Australia. ASAP, Tawag Ng Tanghalan, and Cornerstone have been very good to me and i really appreciate and thank them for being so understanding. And Angeline, who was very kind and stepped in for me for Himig Handog. I felt bad for a while because i was missing so much work. But at the same time i was so happy and excited especially after seeing our baby’s heartbeat. Last week, we lost our angel. Again. For the second time. My heart was breaking as i was being brought to the delivery room. I was not going to have a baby. I was having a miscarriage again. I felt like i was given the most beautiful gift and then taken back from me so fast. It’s hard to keep my emotions intact. I cry at the stupidest things. Today was that lotion. I asked my husband to buy for stretch marks and he went hoarding a bunch for me at Rustan’s. I cry everytime i see it. Or the maternity clothes i ordered online that was delivered at home. Or when i see Toby’s baby clothes that i brought out to be washed again. Or whenever Toby would ask where his sibling went. It’s heartbreaking. Grief is not a once and done process. You don’t cry for a week, or a month, or a year and then move on. It’s hard. You don’t get it out of your system. I will always wonder about the birthdays that we will never get to celebrate. It was supposed to be September and May. This year has been very difficult for me and my family. But i will remain hopeful. I know everything happens for a reason. And through all the pain and trying experiences, i know something wonderful will happen. I’ll be back soon. Thank you. See you..

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The singer said that she is still grieving and little things that remind her of her lost baby overwhelms her to tears.

"Grief is not a once and done process. You don’t cry for a week, or a month, or a year and then move on. It’s hard. You don’t get it out of your system. I will always wonder about the birthdays that we will never get to celebrate. It was supposed to be September and May."

Kyla admitted that the year has been difficult for her and her family. Nonetheless, she is holding out hope for wonderful things and staying strong. 

Kyla and her husband Rich Alvarez have one son, Toby. — AT, GMA News

Tags: kyla, miscarriage
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