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Ian Veneracion is always available for his kids, a lesson he learned from own dad

Ian Veneracion is always available for his kids, a lesson he learned from own dad

Being available. It's just what Ian Veneracion prioritizes when it comes to his kids and something he learned from his own father, the great painter Roy Veneracion.

Ian appeared on "Fast Talk with Boy Abunda," Friday, where he shared how much he appreciates his father's availability while he was growing up. In fact, the words "Don't bother me" and "I'm busy" were things he never heard from his dad.

"Very accommodating. Growing up maaga ko na-realize na compared to my classmates I was so lucky because my dad was at home every day. I could play with him any time, I could talk to him any time because he was a painter and he's still a painter. Every day he paints, that's his life talaga," he said.

"So, pag makulit lang ako bibigyan niya ako ng canvas and give me a brush and some paint so I could paint while he's painting and I appreciate all those things. 'Yung availability niya."

Ian also said that he has been the same way with his kids ever since, no matter how busy he gets. Whether it's having a conversation about something, riding the motorbike, or going cycling, Ian says he always has time for his kids.

"I actually enjoy it, hindi ako napipiltan. I actually enjoy it and also, kunwari, sobrang may ginagawa lang ako, I have to find a nice way to say, 'Okay I'm interested in what you're saying but let me just finish this so that I can give you my full attention, if that's okay,'" he shared. .

He added that he learned how to respond this way from his eldest son, Tristan Draco, who would say the same thing to him when the latter would be preoccupied.

"I learned that from my panganay, ganyan siya magsalita kasi ako 'yung makulit. 'Draco, Draco, I recorded a song, listen to this.' 'Dad, I'm really interested in what you're going to show me but let me just finish this so that I can give you my full attention.' Is's like, okay I'll use that," he said.

Many roles aside —actor, singer, pilot, and musician — it's clear being a family man is Ian's most favorite.

Ian has been married to industrial engineer Pam Gallardo since 1997. They have three children: Draco, Dierdre, and Duccio.

— CDC, GMA Integrated News