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Filipina beauty queen Maureen Montagne declines Miss Eco International title after Peru queen was dethroned due to pregnancy

Filipina beauty queen Maureen Montagne declined the Miss Eco International 2019 title after reigning queen Suheyn Cipriani of Peru got dethroned due to pregnancy.

The Miss Eco International Organization announced the dethronement on their Facebook page on Saturday.

"Ms. Cipriani had agreed to the rules from the moment she filled her application form. The hectic schedule of the Miss Eco winner is unsuitable for pregnant women, since it negatively affects the upbringing of a newly born child deprived of his mother's love," the statement read.

Miss Eco International said the aim is to find "a winner who is free and able to commit."

Miss Eco International said they feel sad that the former queen is "unconvinced and insists the rules made her feel uncomfortable and burdensome."

"However we think that she did a great job as our Miss Eco 2019 till now in performing her duties. We wish her the best in her endeavours and thank her for the patronage and support of Miss Eco International pageant 2019," they wrote.

Filipina beauty queen Maureen Montagne who won first runner-up and is the supposed candidate to take over the title should the reigning queen need to step down, has  declined to do so.

On Facebook, Maureen explained why: "Recently I’ve had to make some unexpected and important decisions. First and foremost, I want to say that this past year, I have poured my heart and soul to Binibining Pilipinas." 

"I have made a commitment to the Binibining Pilipinas Charities Inc. full heartedly and I will continue to chase my dreams of competing on the BBP stage in the hopes of representing our country on the international stage," she added.

Maureen thanked the Miss Eco International Organization for their offer and wished success to the woman who will decide to take the crown.

"I am thankful for the opportunities I have been offered this week by the Miss Eco International Organization to whom I will always be thankful to, but I know deep down I need to do what’s right in my heart. I sincerely wish the woman who will take the crown a wonderful reign ahead," she wrote.

The organization announced that Malaysia runner-up Amy Tinie Abdul Aziz will take over the crown abdicated by Cipriani. — Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/LA, GMA News