As the world struggles amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Pope Francis has a message of hope.
To mark Black Saturday, the Pope posted a photo of Jesus Christ's wounded face on his Instagram account.
EN: This Face disfigured by wounds communicates great peace. His gaze is directed not to our eyes but to our heart, as if to say: Have faith, do not lose hope. The power of the love of God, the power of the Risen One overcomes all things. #HolyShroud PT: Este Rosto desfigurado por feridas comunica uma grande paz. Seu olhar não procura os nossos olhos, mas o nosso coração, é como se nos dissesse: tem confiança, não percas a esperança; a força do amor de Deus, a força do Ressuscitado tudo vence. #SantoSudário ES: Este Rostro desfigurado por las heridas transmite una gran paz. Su mirada no va en busca de nuestros ojos, sino de nuestro corazón. Es como si nos dijese: ten confianza, no pierdas la esperanza; la fuerza del amor de Dios, la fuerza del Resucitado, todo lo vence. #SábanaSanta IT: Questo Volto sfigurato dalle ferite comunica una grande pace. Il suo sguardo non cerca i nostri occhi ma il nostro cuore, è come se ci dicesse: abbi fiducia, non perdere la speranza; la forza dell’amore di Dio, la forza del Risorto vince tutto. #SacraSindone FR: Ce visage défiguré par les blessures communique une grande paix. Son regard ne cherche pas nos yeux mais notre cœur, c'est comme s'il nous disait: aies confiance, ne perds pas l’espérance; la force de l'amour de Dieu, la force du Ressuscité vainc tout. #SaintSuaire DE: Dieses von den Wunden entstellte Antlitz vermittelt einen tiefen Frieden. Sein Blick sucht nicht unsere Augen, sondern unser Herz - so als würde er uns sagen: Hab Mut, verliere nicht die Hoffnung. Die Kraft der Liebe Gottes, die Macht des Auferstandenen wird siegen. PL: To oblicze zniekszta?cone przez rany niesie ze sob? wielki pokój. Jego spojrzenie nie szuka naszych oczu, ale naszego serca, jak gdyby chcia?o powiedzie?: zaufaj, nie tra? nadziei; si?a Bo?ej mi?o?ci, si?a Zmartwychwsta?ego zwyci??a wszystko.
A post shared by Pope Francis (@franciscus) on
Apr 11, 2020 at 2:41am PDT
"This Face disfigured by wounds communicates great peace. His gaze is directed not to our eyes but to our heart, as if to say: Have faith, do not lose hope. The power of the love of God, the power of the Risen One overcomes all things," he wrote.
For the first time, Pope Francis celebrated this year's Holy Week without the presence of the faithful.
To avoid the further spread of COVID-19, the traditional Papal events were streamed live from the Vatican on EWTN's website.
Since the number of cases started rising, the pope had cancelled his public appearances, opting instead to stream them online.
—JCB, GMA News