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World's shortest man passes away at 27

Khagendra Thapa Magar, the world's shortest mobile man, has passed away at the age of 27 on Friday.

The former record-holder, who stood at 2 feet and 2.41 inches tall when he was measured at 18 years old, has been struggling with heart problems, asthma and pneumonia.

He was admitted to a hospital in Nepal on Thursday before his passing on Friday.

The news was confirmed by the Guinness World Records (GWR) on its website.

"Guinness World Records is sad to hear of the passing today of the world’s shortest man, Khagendra Thapa Magar," it said.

The global authority first recognized Magar in 2010 when his height was measured by Records Manager Marcoa Frigatti in an Italian TV show. During that time, Magar was known as the shortest living male teenager.

When he reached 18 years old, Magar took the title of "world's shortest mobile man" from Edward "Nina" Hernandez of Columbia.

In 2011, Magar was appointed as a Nepalese Goodwill Ambassador for Tourism.

"As many people of short stature experience, life can be challenging when you weigh just 6 kg and you don’t fit into world built for the average person. But Khagendra certainly didn’t let his small size stop him from getting the most out of life. It’s been an honour to know him and his family, and a privilege to share his story with the world," said GWR editor-in-chief Craig Glenday in a statement.

—Angelica Y. Yang/JCB, GMA News