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Shortly after Reina Hispanoamericana Filipinas 2019 Kat Llegado flew to compete in Bolivia, pageant is postponed

Shortly after Reina Hispanoamericana Filipinas 2019 Kat Llegado flew to Bolivia to compete, the beauty pageant was postponed.

RELATED: Reina Hispanoamericana Filipinas 2019 Kat Llegado flies to Bolivia

On social media Tuesday morning, Promociones Glorias, organizers of the Reina Hispanoamericana, announced the unfortunate news of the pageant's postponement, which the Miss World Philippines organization diligently reposted.



"Promociones Gloria announces that the International Contest 'Reina Hispanoamericana', has been postponed until further notice for the events that are happening in Bolivia," read the caption.

The coronation night was to happen on November 9, but had to be postponed due to social unrest currently happening in Bolivia.

According to a representative of Miss World Philippines, Kat is still in Bolivia as of writing, but will be flying out to Canada tonight, along with the other beauty queens.

We'll keep you posted, in the mean time, keep safe Kat! — LA, GMA News