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Angelina Mead King overwhelmed by support for her transition

Pride month is over, but love continues for Angelina Mead King. Formerly Ian King, Angelina officially came out to the public on Sunday to a chorus of support from friends and family.

Her wife Joey Mead King led the cheers for her transition through an Instagram post with a simple caption: Freedom.

Angelina only had words of gratitude for the people sending her good thoughts.

"Thank you so much. The support has been overwhelming," Angelina said. "For now I'm just trying to figure myself out and I hope everyone can just be loving and supportive."

Angelina's brother Atticus had earlier congratulated her for coming out and readily switched to calling her "sister."

Angelina has also been posting positive messages on her Instagram, encouraging people to stay true to who they are and telling them it's okay not to be perfect.
— Aya Tantiangco/BM, GMA News