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Prince Christian of Denmark rescued from surf by Australian lifeguard

Ten-year-old Prince Christian of Denmark (waving, in grey jacket)—with (from left) father Crown Prince Frederik, sister Princess Isabella, mother Crown Princess Mary, brother Prince Vincent (hidden behind bars), grandmother Queen Margrethe II, cousin Prince Nikolai (blue jacket), cousin Prince Felix (brown jacket), cousin Prince Henrik (dark blue jacket), cousin Princess Athena, uncle Prince Joachim and sister Princess Josephine—greets the crowd from the balcony at Amalienborg Palace during the Queen's 75th birthday on April 16, 2015 in Copenhagen. AFP PHOTO/Scanpix Denmark/Niels Ahlmann Olesen

The second in line to the throne of Denmark was rescued from the surf by a lifeguard while holidaying in Australia's Gold Coast on Thursday (December 17), the Seven Network reported.

Gold Coast lifeguard Nick Malcolm was on patrol when he saw a boy caught in a rip and jumped on his paddle board. He picked up the Prince and gave him a ride back to shore, Australian media reported.

The boy was Prince Christian, 10, the eldest son of Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and his Australian wife, Crown Princess Mary.

Malcolm's colleagues described him as humble and not making a big deal about rescuing a Prince.

"He's probably one of the best paddle boarders in the world at the moment," said retired lifeguard, Greg Crisp.

"He doesn't big note or anything, he just gets on with the job," Crisp added.

The Australian media said that Malcolm was unaware of the young prince's identitiy when he paddled out to save him.

They reported that Prince Frederick personallly thanked Malcolm for rescuing his son. — Reuters