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DIY feng shui with a Law of Attraction twist

From using crystals to following psychic fortunes, there are many techniques you can use to improve your luck during the Year of the Tiger. But if you want to take it a step further, try using feng shui with the law of attraction: nature power plus mind over matter. Feng shui (pronounced ‘fung-shway’) is the art and science of arranging and using elements in your environment to allow the smooth flow of energy, also called Chi. As popularized in Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret, the Law of Attraction (also called LOA) follows the principles “like attracts like" and “thoughts become things." It states that everything in the world is made up of energy and you can use your thoughts to attract energies that would bring in happiness, health, love and wealth. Used together, feng shui and the law of attraction can be powerful tools that can help you improve your life. Three kinds of luck According to Marie Diamond, a feng shui master and one of the teachers featured in The Secret, each person has three kinds of luck: Heaven luck which depends on the time, place, date and circumstances you are born into. Human luck determined by your attitudes, behaviors and outlook on life. Earth luck which is affected by your environment: your home, your workplace and your surroundings. Diamond believes that the three kinds of luck are interconnected and improving one can positively affect the others. In her ebook The Secret Diamond Feng Shui she explains: Improve your home, and you will think, feel, and act differently. (Earth luck) Improve how you think, feel, and act, and you will improve your destiny. (Human luck) Improve your destiny, and you will attract your greatest dreams. (Heaven luck) Among the three kinds of luck, Diamond said the easiest to change right away is the Earth luck, more specifically in your home. While changing a lifetime of behaviors and thoughts might take years, improving your surroundings to enable the smooth flow of energy can be accomplished in a matter of minutes. How to use feng shui and LOA to improve your life now The Law of Attraction involves three basic processes: Ask, Believe and Receive. You focus on what you want so that you can attract it into your life. This doesn’t mean that you wait passively for things to happen. Coupled with faith, you also have to take inspired action toward realizing your goals. For manifestation to occur, Diamond says you need to unify the message you are sending to the Universe: “You can attract happiness and wealth with your spirit and mind but if your home is not telling the universe the same, the universe cannot deliver." This is where feng shui comes in. Use it to enhance and harness the energy in your surroundings, thus creating harmony between you and your environment. 1. Ask and de-clutter. Ask for what you want to have more of in the different areas of your life: health, success, relationships and growth. Be specific with your goals and dare to ask for what you really want.

For new things to come into your life, you need to de-clutter and create space. From your bag to your closet to your whole home, clean out all the excess things that become a virtual burden for you. a. Wipe dust off furniture, remove cobwebs and sweep the floor. b. Remove dead flowers or dried plants inside your home. c. Throw or give away things you no longer use or need. d. Make sure your garbage bin is always emptied at the end of the day.
2. Believe in your goals and surround yourself with empowering images. The Law of Attraction can only work if you believe it will. Your faith has the power to attract people who will support you and opportunities that will allow you to achieve your goals.
To reinforce your belief, make sure that your environment reminds you or empowers you to achieve your goals. a. Hang images or photos that symbolize your dreams such as a happy family picture or a vibrant nature scenery. b. Remove all images that evoke negative and depressing vibes. c. Hang posters with positive affirmations on the walls of your bedroom. d. Put up a vision board complete with images of all your goals and dreams above your bed.
3. Receive your blessings and know your favorable directions. Be open and expect to receive blessings every day. Be on the lookout for the good things that happen to you, the people you meet or the gifts you receive.
Based on the date you were born, you have a set of favorable directions where you can activate energies of success, health, relationships and growth. In feng shui practice, placing lucky symbols or charms in these directions can help you manifest your goals more quickly. Go to to use a free tool that determines your favorable directions. Things to do: a. Remove sharp objects in the room that point at you. b. Never sleep with your feet toward the doorway since it is believed to be the death position. c. Always keep the toilet lid closed especially while flushing. The downward spiral motion of the water represents waste of money. d. Remove or cover mirrors in the bedroom that are believed to disturb sleep. Television also acts like a mirror at night.
4. Be grateful. One of the powers you can activate anytime and anywhere is the power of gratitude. Most of the time, it’s easy to take our basic needs --- home, food, clothing and shelter --- for granted. While it’s okay to aspire for other things, always be thankful for the blessings that you already have. Remember that whatever you are thankful for, you will attract more of in your life. Feng shui and the law of attraction neither substitutes nor opposes religion. They are simply tools culled from collective wisdom that you can use to empower yourself and improve your life. - YA, GMANews.TV Sources:
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