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Roxie Baeyens 'beyond grateful' to be Miss Earth Water 2020: 'I have changed and grown so much as a person'

Roxie Baeyens took to Instagram to express how happy she is to be crowned Miss Earth - Water 2020.

Posting a photo of herself by the sea, Roxie said she was "beyond grateful to be your Miss Earth - Water 2020. Throughout this year, I have changed and grown so much as a person." 

According to Roxie, "Learning to find the confidence as a spokesperson is not the easiest journey but I have found power in my voice along the way. "

"Environmental Protection has grown in me day by day and I know this is what should be given more importance while we are still given the gift to live," she added.

The 23-year-old Filipina beauty queen said this is only "the end to a new beginning."



" I have so much gratitude for the Miss Earth Organization who helped me find who I truly am and what I am destined for," she said, thanking her team from the Philippines who has helped her reach where she is now.

"It was a year-long journey of up and downs, twist and twirlies, but if there’s one thing I have learned, it is that everything worth having is worth working hard for with all your heart. This is for us, all of us," she wrote.

USA Lindsey Coffey has been crowned as the Miss Earth 2020 while Denmark won as Miss Earth Fire 2020 and Venezuela is Miss Earth Air 2020. — Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/LA, GMA News