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DeviantArt star Qinni passes away due to cancer

Online art community DeviantArt mourned the death of digital artist Qing Han, popularly known as Qinni, who passed away on Tuesday due to cancer. She was 29 years old.

"Today, the world has lost a wonderful artist, and a wonderful person. Thank you for inspiring us with your art, Qinni. We hope you rest in peace," DeviantArt wrote in a Twitter post.

Qinni, who rose to fame on DeviantArt, was one of the first artists who were interviewed in the online art community's weekly artist feature in 2016.

"When I was young, I was never allowed to draw at home, but I'd doodle on my notebooks in class and homework sheets. Ultimately, I think one of the reasons why my mom relented and let me go into art for college was because of the DeviantArt community and how much love I was given there," Qinni said in an interview with DeviantArt.

The Canada-based artist was behind the "Starred Freckles" watercolor artwork which featured a girl with stars on her face, and the meme of a crying man lying down on a pool of tears.

On February 7, Qinni shared on Twitter that she felt very weak after a session of chemotherapy. She said that she was "frustrated that her legs deteriorated fast", but that she would do her best to get her strength back.

—Angelica Y. Yang/MGP, GMA News