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‘Mamma Mia!’ cast members reveal they actually like it when you sing-along

Celebrating its 19th year, international musical hit "Mamma Mia!" is back in Manila for another run.

It follows the story of Sophie Sheridan, a daughter who’s eager to find her real father before her upcoming wedding. In her quest to find dad, she invited three of her mother’s former lovers to the Greek island where they own and manage a small tavern.

READ: 'Mamma Mia!' The Musical: An ABBA-solutely fun night!

In its almost two decades of entertainment, "Mamma Mia!" has sold more than five million tickets worldwide. When it first came to Manila in 2012, in fact, it sold over 45,000 tickets.

“Such a beautiful theater that you’ve got here,” said Daniel Crowder, who plays Harry Bright. “Really gorgeous space to act in and sing and perform this play.”

But more than the space, it’s the Manila audience that got them.

“The audience has been great… It’s very exciting to be here and to see everyone here in Manila,” shared Tamlyn Henderson, who plays Sam Carmichael.

“[The] first night was brilliant,” exclaimed Nicky Swift who plays Rosie, one of The Dynamos. “Such a great city and the audience reaction was fantastic, everyone’s cheering and dancing. That’s what we want, we want everyone to have a good time.”

While some theatre afficionados may frown at the thought of singing along when watching a musical, the dads of Mamma Mia! seem to disagree.

“It’s really lovely to be on stage and hear the audience join in with the music, it’s a really nice feeling for us as performers just to have that support and warmth coming from the other side,” said Henderson.

The story of Mamma Mia! is a whirlwind of comedy and heartwarming moments as told by the classic disco songs of ABBA. 

“You think it’s so simple, but it’s actually quite complicated and ahead of its time… And they’re such iconic tunes. It could take you back to a nostalgic moment in your life,” Crowder pointed out.

“I think good pop songs last through time,” says Matthew Rutherford, who plays Bill Austin. “Good bands, they linger… The good music remains there.”

For White, the show has something for everyone, a piece of the story they can relate to, which makes it more watchable.


“There’s something in the show that everyone can identify with, so many different characters of varying ages, lots of lovely stories of friendship and love,” White said. “Personally, I believe the music of ABBA transcends the generations… It’s ultimately just a feel-good night out at the theater.”

Mamma Mia! has been to 85 cities in 38 countries and has seen its cast members go through major life changes.

The actors who play show’s bethroted couple Sophie Sheridan and Sky, for instance – Lucy May Barker and Phillip Ryan – are a real-life couple who just got engaged in July.

The two fell in love while doing the tour, which Ryan describes as “life-changing.”


“[At the beginning] we were trying to form a relationship with each other, trying to form a connection so what we’re doing on stage is believable and people will get it as genuine chemistry, then about six months in, we started to relax and hang out,” Ryan recalled.

“When things calmed down a little bit, we went out, some people were eating at a Chinese restaurant in Birmingham opposite the theater and you [Ryan] were there and you had like this black v-neck top and I was like, ‘he’s quite cute in real life,’” Barker shared with a smile from ear to ear.

“We hung out, we went on a date and then… you’ve literally never left,” Barker said, Ryan chiming along at the end. So sweet.

“We bought a house,” Ryan said. “This show has literally changed my life, that’s why I think it’s beautiful as well. And that’s why I’ve such a joy for what I do, especially we [Barker] get to sing, dance, and act ... and you get to do it with your partner for life, I just love it.” — LA, GMA News

Tags: mammamia!