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Lato-lato toy trends on TikTok; doctor shares safety tips when playing

Have you seen people playing with two balls connected by a string on social media? The toy is called lato-lato, which has become popular on TikTok.

According to Vonne Aquino's report on "24 Oras Weekend," Sunday, the goal is to make the two balls hit each other and create a clacking sound.

Children all over the country have gotten hooked on lato-lato, and in Calasiao, Pangasinan, there's even a competition for the longest streak of successfully making the two balls hit each other.

Some parents like the toy because it helps keep their children away from gadgets, but lato-lato also has a downside: kids and even adults can hurt themselves while using it.

The balls can hit the arm and cause bruises or bumps.

To keep yourself and your children safe, Dr. Miko Amansec advises those who use lato-lato to cease playing if they get a bump or bruise.

He also said doing ice compression for 15-20 minutes two or three times a day can help lessen the swelling of the affected area.

Wrap your arms in a towel to protect them and take care not to accidentally make the balls hit the eyes.

"Encourage play pero encourage play in a safe environment," Amansec said.

—MGP, GMA Integrated News

Tags: lato lato