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Edit tweet button? Here's what Twitter thinks

Twitter has responded to calls for an edit tweet button and it's hilarious.

"You can have an edit button when everyone wears a mask," it said in...well, a tweet.






The tweet has garnered over 1.8 million hearts as of posting.

The remark is likely in reference to a large number of Americans refusing to wear masks, even holding anti-mask rallies amid the coronavirus pandemic.

An edit button has long since been sought on the social media platform.

However, it is unlikely to come into being. Earlier this year, co-founder Jack Dorsey said "practical considerations" make it difficult for them to add an edit button. 

"You might send a tweet and someone might retweet that and an hour later you might completely change the content of that tweet," he said in a video by Wired. "The person that retweeted the original tweet is now retweeting and rebroadcasting something that is completely different. So that's something to watch out for."

—JCB, GMA News

Tags: viral