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‘Quarantined’ host Howie Severino has cutest videobombers ever

Howie Severino has just been videobombed by some unexpected—but not unwelcome—visitors.

The journalist was filming a snappy intro for his online show “Quarantined with Howie Severino,” when two adorable guests decided to make a surprise appearance.

Unfortunately, the take of Howie being videobombed by an adorable cat and dog didn’t make the cut.

He did, however, share it on Facebook as “the intro that didn’t make it because of frisky video bombers.”

“Quarantined with Howie Severino” is a new digital program under GMA News and Public Affairs.

The real guest this week was singer-songwriter Ebe Dancel, who talked about stage fright, mental health and how good OPM could help one cope in the time of COVID-19.

Watch the full episode below. – Margaret Claire Layug/RC, GMA News