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'Code Joy' blasted in Medical City's PA system to celebrate recovery of COVID-19 patients

Recovering from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is cause for celebration, so the Medical City makes sure to announce it every time a patient is set to be discharged.

In a video shared on its Facebook page, the Medical City said that it came up with a code "that brings hope and joy" as it signals yet another COVID-19 recovery: "Code Joy."

Watch how hospital staff react everytime they hear "Code Joy" in their PA system:


Hearing the announcement is an instant boost for health workers, prompting them to cheer and clap upon hearing the code.

"As we continue our battle against the #COVID19 pandemic, hope still finds a way to shine through these challenging times. When a patient recovers and is about to leave the hospital, Code Joy is announced, bringing together the entire hospital with one simple but powerful act – a round of applause," Medical City said in its post.

"It’s a feel good moment for everyone in the hospital as it signifies hope and joy from victory against the virus, something we all need in this moment of uncertainty," it added.

COVID-19 recoveries in the Philippines is now at 792, while the death toll is at 494.

According to the Department of Health (DOH), the nationwide tally of cases has climbed 7,294.

—JCB, GMA News