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Undertaker defeats Brock Lesnar in SummerSlam main event

The Undertaker gained a measure of revenge for his WrestleMania loss last year to Brock Lesnar, but it wasn't without controversy.

The WWE's Dead Man choked out Lesnar on Sunday (Monday morning PHL time) in the main event of SummerSlam after referee Charles Robinson restarted the match.

Earlier, the former UFC Heavyweight Champion had the Undertaker in a Kimura lock, forcing him to tap out. The timekeeper rang the bell, but because the official did not see the tapping, ordered the match to begin again.

That allowed the Undertaker to hit a low blow before putting on a Hell's Gate triangle choke. Lesnar did not submit, but passed out instead.

The match was billed as an encore to their WrestleMania 30 showdown, which saw Lesnar end Undertaker's 21-0 winning streak at WWE's big event.

Earlier, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins won the United States title from John Cena after interference from former "The Daily Show" host Jon Stewart.

"Arrow" star Stephen Amell also competed earlier, teaming with Neville to defeat Stardust and King Barrett. - JST, GMA News