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PCAAE, SustainablePH forge partnership to drive sustainability across sectors

PCAAE, SustainablePH forge partnership to drive sustainability across sectors

Manila, Philippines — In a groundbreaking move towards advancing sustainability across various sectors, the Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives (PCAAE) and SustainablePH, Inc. (SustainablePH) have entered into a strategic partnership. 

This collaboration aims to foster sustainability initiatives within associations and industries, creating a unified front in the pursuit of harnessing the country’s association leaders and sustainability practitioners. The alliance aims to create more meaningful and positive impact in the country through timely capacity-building programs, change-making events, and a community of Filipino executives and young professionals that underscore a shared commitment to promoting sustainable practices and enhancing the role of associations towards a sustainable Philippines. 

Driving Collective Action for a Sustainable Future
The collaboration between PCAAE and SustainablePH is built on the recognition that sustainability challenges require a collective effort. By combining PCAAE’s extensive network of associations and association professionals with SustainablePH’s community of practitioners and suite of training programs, the partnership aims to empower associations to take more proactive steps toward sustainability.

“We are thrilled to partner with SustainablePH to integrate sustainability into the core of association governance, management, and operations,” said Octavio (Bobby) Peralta, PCAAE Founder and CEO. “This collaboration will provide our members with the tools, resources, and support they need to adopt and implement sustainable practices, ensuring that associations not only contribute to national development but do so in a way that is environmentally and socially responsible.”

Key Areas of Collaboration
The PCAAE-SustainablePH partnership will focus on several key areas, each designed to promote and integrate sustainability within associations and their broader networks:

  1. Education and capacity-building: One of the primary goals of the partnership is to educate and equip association leaders and professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement sustainable practices. The focus on capacity-building ensures that associations are not only aware of the importance of sustainability, but are also empowered to take meaningful action.
  2. Resource sharing and best practices: Sustainable PH brings a wealth of expertise and resources to the table, which will be shared with PCAAE members. This includes access to best practices, case studies, and practical tools that associations can use to enhance their sustainability efforts. PCAAE, on the other hand, contributes to Sustainable PH its experience and competence in association governance and management.
  3. Joint sustainability projects: To demonstrate the tangible benefits of sustainability, the partnership will spearhead joint projects that address specific environmental and social challenges. These projects, ranging from community-based initiatives to larger industry collaborations, will serve as proof points of the effectiveness of sustainable practices. An ongoing project is the conduct of a joint summit on sustainability to be held on November 27, 2024 at the Philippine International Convention Center themed, “Collectively Driving Sustainable Impact.”

A Unified Vision for Sustainability
Koleen Davila-Palaganas, President & Founder of Sustainable PH, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “Collaborating with PCAAE aligns perfectly with our mission to raising Filipino sustainability champions who will work collectively towards building a sustainable future for the Philippines. By working together, we can amplify our impact and ensure that sustainability becomes a fundamental aspect of how associations and industries operate and influence the broader community.”

The PCAAE-SustainablePH partnership is expected to serve as a model for other organizations, demonstrating how collaboration can drive meaningful progress towards sustainability. Both organizations are committed to fostering a culture of sustainability within the Philippines and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives (PCAAE), dubbed as the “association of associations,” is dedicated to supporting and advancing the profession of association management as well as to making associations well-governed and sustainable. PCAAE provides its members with education, networking opportunities, and advocacy support, helping them to lead their organizations effectively and responsibly.

About SustainablePH, Inc. (SustainablePH)
SustainablePH is a non-profit for and by Filipinos, focused on raising sustainability champions who foster collective action and amplify positive impact through its Community, Capacity, and Change strategic pillars. It’s flagship programs are Society of Sustainability Practitioners, Learn2Lead Sustainability, SustainablePH Awards and SustainablePH Summit. SustainablePH provides its members, volunteers, and partners with bespoke programs and events that contribute to a vibrant community of sustainability practitioners, fully equipped to effect sustainable change.