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Dream Beyond: UST Angelicum College reaches its golden year

UST Angelicum College, the pioneer of the non-graded, self-paced, modular system of education is all geared up to celebrate its 50th founding anniversary that will commence on July 5, 2022, with its theme Dream Beyond.

To usher in the start of the year-long festivities, a Eucharistic Celebration will be held to be presided by the Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines, Rev. Fr. Filemon I. Dela Cruz, Jr., O.P.. Concelebrating with him is the Rector of the University of Santo Tomas and UST Angelicum College, Rev. Fr. Richard G. Ang, O.P., the Pro-Vice Rector of UST Angelicum, Rev. Fr. Herminio V. Dagohoy, O.P. and other Dominican friars led by the Prior of Sto. Domingo Convent, Rev. Fr. Roger C. Quirao, O.P.

UST Angelicum College looks back with gratitude to its founder and the first group of teachers who collaborated in its vision of establishing an alternative system of education. Rev. Fr. Rogelio V. Alarcon, O.P., the founder of the Angelicum System will be honored, along with other three pioneer facilitators, Nelita Ofiasa, Delia Tagaban, and Angelita Arboleda. A Fiesta Filipino-themed luncheon will be held after the mass. Past rectors, pioneer teachers, alumni, and other important personalities will grace the event.

“UST Angelicum is a testament of a brave and noble academic vision that was laid out fifty years ago today. The various activities that will be hosted throughout its 50th academic year of 2022 - 2023 is an affirmation of its vibrant and creative teaching-learning environment. The celebration theme of Dream Beyond is the institution's commitment to deliver the Academic Advantage at Angelicum, a Safe, Smart and Sustainable education,” says Dr. Eunice Mareth Areola, the Director for Academic Affairs and Chair of the 50th Founding Anniversary Committee.

Other events and legacy activities were curated for this milestone, such as, Media Congress 2023: Media and the World; Indak: Festival of Dances; Angelicum’s Finest: The Thomasian Angelican Alumni Awards; Excellentia, a program honoring its human resources; Innovateur: Inter-School Congress for Science Investigatory Projects; EntrepCamp: Start-up Program; the Fr. Rogelio B. Alarcon, O.P. Public Lecture; the National Conference on Alternative and Transformative Education; Angelicum Hackathon and many more.

The UST Angelicum College family invites everyone to celebrate and see where fifty years of alternative and transformative Catholic Dominican education has brought them. ###