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Cheeky duo Pok & Mok wreak havoc, impart practical eco-friendly tips on Discovery Kids

Mok, an eight-year-old boy whose mind goes a mile-a-minute, and his pet gibbon, Pok discover the wild side of going green.
What do you get when you put a boy and a short-haired gibbon together? You get the off-the-wall animated comedy Pok & Mok! 
Follow the lives of Mok, an eight-year-old boy whose mind goes a mile-a-minute, and his pet gibbon, Pok in a never-ending series of goofy adventures where they discover the wild side of going green. Keeping this cheeky duo in check is mom, Penelope and dad, Ernest, who never fail to put out the fires of their misadventures. 
Each 30-minute episode features three stories, each with its very own lesson to be learned. Wonder why Pok shouldn’t jump down the drain to see where the water flows? Or why Mok should stop spraying pesticides on plants to make them grow faster? 
Find out on Pok & Mok as it airs every weekday at 5:30 p.m., starting September 11. Encores the following weekday at 2:30 p.m. 
Forget about dull, old-fashioned cartoons that try to get kids to save the planet – Discovery Kids brings viewers a fast-paced, slightly chaotic but thoroughly entertaining animated series that teach kids and their parents alike, just how and why banishing certain bad habits can help keep the environment clean, green and healthy! 
Pok & Mok depicts the daily life of Mok and his hyperactive, furry, humanlike sidekick, Pok in their hilarious discovery of sustainable development. Though parents Penelope and Ernest are a nag and can be overbearing at times, their witty comebacks usually guide Pok & Mok to pick up good habits that promote environment-friendly living. 
Though the mischievous pair has good intentions, like creating a present for Penelope’s birthday from scratch as Ernest advises them to, it can sometimes end in unexpected results, often leading viewers to laugh out loud or sometimes even cringe! 
Other lessons from the show include the importance of saving electricity, the effects of plastic which take 400 years to break down, water-saving measures that will benefit the family, recipes for homemade cleaning products, and how putting the trash away instead of littering can save dolphins and sea turtles.
Stylistically, the comic series mixes a variety of graphic design techniques – interiors were built in scale-models and outdoors are featured in a photomontage technique where characters are integrated in 2D animation. A mixture of sitcom, manga and cartoon served as inspiration for the characters’ design that make them unique and add to their comical personalities.
Get your slice of smart fun and learn useful tips to make the earth a better place for generations to come in these following episodes of Pok & Mok:
Pok & Mok depicts the daily life of Mok and his hyperactive, furry, humanlike sidekick, Pok in their hilarious discovery of sustainable development.
Episode 1

Lighten Up!
As Ernest and Penelope get ready to go out, they have a hard time explaining to Pok and Mok why they shouldn’t waste energy by leaving all the lights on. Following their instructions too literally, Pok and Mok learn that maybe you shouldn’t turn out all the lights until you make sure no one needs them!
Mok’s Paper Capers
Pok and Mok want to give Penelope a present. They try making her a drawing, but they end up wasting a ton of paper. When Ernest encourages them to use something recycled, they craft a present using Grandpa’s old newspapers. Ernest is going to have a rough time explaining to his father-in-law just what happened to his precious newspaper.
Sea Side Plastic
The whole family is picnicking on the beach. All Pok and Mok want to do is have fun and eat ice cream, but Ernest insists they toss their wrappers in the garbage before they go swimming. Pok and Mok devise various ingenious ways of getting rid of their trash before finally giving in and tossing it into the garbage.
Episode 2
Ernest and the Art of Plumbing
The bathroom sink has sprung a leak. Though this amuses Pok and Mok, it annoys Ernest, especially when the leak worsens. They’ll have to have to reduce their water consumption as well as persuade the plumber they’re not a bunch of irresponsible people who are unaware of the importance of water conservation.
Junk Mail Mania!
Mok sits by the mailbox, impatiently waiting for the latest issue of his wrestling magazine, Catcha. But it’s nearly hidden under the overflowing pile of advertising circulars and free magazines in their mailbox. So, he launches Mission Anti-Advertising Waste!  Pok and Mok come up with increasingly ingenious methods to foil the man who delivers the advertising circulars. But he turns out to be none other than their idol, wrestling star Freddy Cougar...
Stuck in the Mud
It’s raining outside, and the kids have turned the house upside down during a vigorous game of tag. Furious, Grandpa insists they clean everything up! But Camille refuses to use toxic cleaning products! Grandma remembers a bunch of recipes for creating natural cleaning products. Never perfect at following instructions, the kids play fast and loose with her recipes: if starchy potato water works, why not use mashed potatoes and ratatouille?
Episode 3
Play with Thistles, Expect Pickles
During a weekend at Grandpa and Grandma’s, Pok and Mok are bitten by mosquitoes. Seeing a mosquito land on Pok’s nose, Mok grabs Grandma’s insect repellant and sprays his pal, nearly asphyxiating him. Camille forbids Mok from using the spray, which she deems as a toxic pollutant and suggests he use a natural, plant-based repellant…but this spells trouble for Grandpa’s garden! 
Veggie Box for All
Deciding to take his family’s health in hand, Ernest signs them up for a weekly delivery of an organic fruit and vegetable basket. Eager to convince Penelope and Mok about the wisdom of his act, he brings the first basket home and begins preparing a sumptuous meal. But Mok hates vegetables and does all he can to sabotage Ernest’s meal...
Crime and Battery 
Weary and in need of a quiet evening in front of the TV, Ernest asks Pok and Mok, disguised as planetary pirates, to settle down and stop firing their toy laser guns. After all, the batteries that power such toys are bad for the planet: they’re toxic and end up in landfills! Suddenly inspired, the two pirates ransack the house looking for battery booty. They find all different kinds: polluting, moldy, rechargeable... Luckily, they can survive without them, and they can play with non-battery powered dart guns!
Episode 4
Operation Sushi
Upon learning that industrial over-fishing has led to the disappearance of many kinds of fish and the potential destruction of underwater eco-systems, Pok and Mok refuse to eat it anymore and mount an anti-fish-eating campaign at the supermarket...until they discover there are ways to eat ecologically, by carefully choosing which fish to buy.
The Birthday Cake
When Ernest points out that individually-wrapped candy contains far more paper than actual candy, Pok and Mok are disappointed in their birthday treats. Swearing never to make the same mistake again, they learn to identify an excess of packaging material in all their food, including fruit peels, chocolate, etc...
Cleanliness is Next to Happiness
It’s Spring Cleaning Day! Everything’s gotta go in the washing machine! An expert in housekeeping, Ernest educates his family on the proper way to do laundry in the most ecological fashion. But Pok wants to goof off, and Mok and Penelope do their best to shirk the housework.
Press release and photos from Discovery Kids