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Community Bulletin Board

Capitalife reaches out to Mandaluyong children

Capitalife Lending Inc., Esquire Financing Inc. &, conducted their first community outreach program activity for 2013 last January 26, 12 noon to 3 p.m. at Plaza ng Tatlong Bayani, Barangay Hagdang Bato Itaas, Mandaluyong City. Attending the activity were more than 300 children, mostly 4 to 8 years of age, while some were as young as 2 years old. As early as 10:30 a.m., more than 150 mothers lined-up to register themselves and their children. Plaza Tatlong Bayani is an open-air venue so tents were provided by the local government. Fiesta buntings were lined from end-to-end, balloons were tied to pillars and posts, and dance music was blaring to set a very festive mood. After a short opening ceremony, the mothers with their children in-tow, lined up for hearty lunch packs and sorbetero ice cream for dessert.

The children participated in bring me games, sack races, patibin, palayok and many, many more.
After lunch, the program resumed with a whole slew of traditional fiesta games and contests for the merriment of the boys and girls. The children participated in bring me games, sack races, patibin, palayok and many, many more. Special prizes were given out to the winners, but everyone else got a toy just for participating. The children also danced to the tune of gangnam style and eat bulaga’s chacha. One boy was selected as the overall winner. He will participate in future outreach projects and will be known as “Capitalife Boy”. It was a mini-fiesta or a large birthday party depending on who you would ask. The mothers were cheering and clapping, the children were squealing and laughing, while Capitalife and Esquire executives were feeling the glowing warmth in the hearts. At the end of the program, Capitalife personnel distributed blue pails filled with groceries to each mother. The children left with bright, happy faces with a bunch of toys and goodies in their arms.
Top row (L-R): Esquire Business Development Manager Isabel Olbes, Esquire President and Chief Executive Officer Rajan Uttamchandani, Esquire Director and Chief Finance Officer Sandeep Chandiramani, Esquire Operations Manager Dinesh Chullani Lower row (L-R): Esquire Director Navin Uttamchandani, Capitalife Chief Executive Officer Steve Borsuk, Esquire Treasurer and Vice President for Corporate Loans Ravi Uttamchandani, Esquire Corporate Communications Manager David Abrenilla
Spearheading this program is Capitalife CEO Steve Borsuk. He revealed plans to conduct more activities in select areas in Metro Manila in partnership with local governments and NGOs. Mr. Borsuk said his goal is to eventually establish a foundation to sustain and broaden this initiative to reach out to more underprivileged Filipino children. He also adds, “We are all very pleased to be engaged in such a worthwhile program that is helping those little ones who are most in need. We recognize that local businesses have a social responsibility to work within the community, and we are overjoyed to be able to make a difference in the lives of neglected, abused, abandoned or orphaned children.” Capitalife Lending Inc. is a financial services company that aims to promote financial stability and self-reliance among employees by offering non-collateral loans. The company believes that this is their small contribution to community development and economic growth in the Philippines. Press release and photo from Capitalife Lending Inc.