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Plan your life with the Book of Ten

Each chapter includes an inspiring text and a list you have to fill by “doing” things.
The Book of Ten is a life planner (nope, it’s not your January-December type of planner!). It features Ten chapters—each of which issues the readers with a challenge to implement in their lives. Each chapter includes an inspiring text and a list you have to fill by “doing” things.
The Book of Ten’s chapters are ultimately a compilation of the ten most important things which really helped the Book of Ten's creator, Kathryn Pua, get out of her slump and which she hopes to share to other lost souls out there to help them find some semblance of direction.
And I think there are really so many lost souls out there. These are the people who:
- are marching on to the real world with a diploma and yet have no real clue what they want to do
- took a job hastily (for fear of being idle too long or for the sake of trying something new) then find belatedly that they’re stuck in a job they never thought they'd be doing
- find themselves in a job they don’t love or don’t see themselves in for the long haul
- drag themselves to work, waking up every morning unexcited for the day that’s about to unfold
- generally find themselves questioning what they're doing with their life
- know what they want and yet are having a hard time getting there
The Book of Ten is a pocket-sized guided journal, so you just scribble down important things then go out there and live it out. But it will be by your side to always remind you of the direction you want your life to take and the things you should fill your life with—so that each step you take in life will lead you to your “ultimate destination”.
The Book of Ten is really relevant in today’s world because we tend to get so lost in the things we “have to do” that we lose sight of our dreams and the good, quality life we want and deserve. The Book of Ten will inspire and challenge you to reach your “perfect ten” by filling your life with things that truly make your heart beat, things that truly make you feel alive.
Are you lost? Then maybe the Book of Ten can help.

The Book of Ten is a pocket-sized guided journal.
Why Ten?
Ten is the number that stands for perfection—that “perfect 10”. While human beings can never be perfect, this Book of 10 exists to remind us that we can nevertheless come close by striving for perfection in everything we do, in every aspect of our lives. More than a simple numeric, 10 is a symbol of the human aspiration to be perfect, to come closest to our perfect selves.
As every life is a performance, every performer—and hence, every person—seeks to keep getting better and attain that “perfect 10”. Just as various aspects come into play while evaluating a performance, the Book of 10 hopes to bring into focus key “portions” of life to help one live a fuller, more complete and more achieved life—thereby landing a better “score”. Ultimately though, life is a performance for yourself—and you judge yourself on whether or not you’ve become the kind of person you want to be.
Alongside perfection, 10 also symbolizes rebirth and possibilities. The Book of 10 embodies possibility so well as it hopes, through its pages, to help you make things happen. This Book also offers a chance for rebirth as it helps you start anew and make each year count. Ten is therefore not just a number—it stands for everything you hope to be and everything you can be.
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