John Rex's 'Someday In Your Life,' now available for pre-order on iTunes
Don't miss John Rex's first-ever upcoming single, "Someday In Your Life."
The Clash champion singer John Rex is now ready to release his first-ever single as GMA Music's new artist with "Someday In Your Life."
Be the first to hear John Rex's single on February 16. Pre-order your digital copy through iTunes from February 9 to 15.
To order, just simply download and open the iTunes app. Create your own Apple ID then simply search "Someday In Your Life" by John Rex.
Click the pre-order amount button next to the song to complete your order.
"Someday in Your Life" is John Rex's most awaited first single under GMA Music. It's a song full of love, about hoping and waiting for the right person and time.
Pre-order "Someday in Your Life" HERE.