Issa Rodriguez
GMA Playlist

Issa Rodriguez is back on the GMA Playlist

By Cherry Sun
Published On: July 7, 2020, 2:35 PM

Tune in and join the live chat with Issa Rodriguez on the GMA Playlist tomorrow, July 8!

The talented singer-songwriter marks her return on the GMA Playlist as she goes live on the Kapuso digital music platform tomorrow, July 8.

Playlist Extra: Issa Rodriguez on the Playlist Slam Book

Don't miss out on her original music! To join the fun online jamming and live chat, use the hashtag #IssaRodriguezOnPlaylist.

Tune in every Wednesday at 1 PM via GMANetwork.com/Playlist and via the official GMA Playlist accounts on Facebook and YouTube.

Get through your midweek hump and tune in! Your music jam is on us, mga Kapuso!

Playlist: Issa Rodriguez - Fragile

Playlist: Issa Rodriguez - Unan

