Visit the whale sharks of Southern Leyte

By Ron Lim, Author
Whale shark
Photo source: Biyahe ni Drew website
Whale sharks aren't just found in Sorosogon or Cebu. They can also be found in Southern Leyte!

When people talk about destinations to see whale sharks, the locations that first come to most Filipino's minds are Donsol, Sorsogon, or Oslob, Cebu. Unbeknownst to most, they can also find whale sharks in Southern Leyte.

Biyahe ni Drew visited not just this Southern Leyte destination where one can find whale sharks, but also other locations in Southern Leyte that travelers will surely enjoy.

Pintuyan is located on the tail end of Southern Leyte in Panaon Island, with most of its residents earning a living through fishing. Aside from that, residents also give whale shark experiences to tourists as the whale sharks can often be found in Barangay Son-ok II in Pintuyan. The whale shark experience was organized by the government and a non-profit organization that taught the fishermen how to be tour guides to tourists who want to see a whale shark.

Before the start of the tour, tourists need to attend a briefing and have at least three spotters included in their group. These spotters will be the ones to tell the tourists when they can get off the boats to see the whale sharks. The activity lasts for three hours since a whale shark sighting isn't always guaranteed because of its migratory nature.

Meanwhile, San Pedro Island in Hinunangan, Southern Leyte has a virgin beach that its residents are very proud of. According to Kagawad Rosa Marcomo of San Pedro Island, the water is so clean that it is easy for tourists to see the fish swimming underwater. Lelang Lagoon is also located on San Pedro Island. Because of its remote location and lack of electricity, Lelang Lagoon is the perfect place for travelers looking to disconnect from modern life and connect with nature.

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