What you need to know: Alert Level 1 guidelines

By Ron Lim, Author
Alert Level 1
If you're still unsure of what exactly is covered by the Alert Level 1 guidelines, we're here to help out.

After two and a half years of quarantine, lockdown, and changing alert levels, the country is now nearing some sort of normalcy as parts of it were placed under Alert Level 1, the lowest possible level, yesterday.

But what exactly does being on Alert Level 1 mean? How is it different from the other alert levels? If you're still asking these questions, there's nothing to worry about as the inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Infectious Diseases has outlined the guidelines in the Official Gazette, the government's public journal and main publication.

In the published guidelines, private offices and workplaces, as well as public and private construction sites, can now operate at 100 percent capacity. The same goes for government offices as well. Private offices are also free to continue flexible and alternative work arrangements depending on their needs.

Public vehicles can now also operate at 100 percent capacity. Acrylic and plastic dividers are no longer required for vehicles as well.

When it comes to establishments, high-risk areas still need to be disinfected. Establishments are also expected to have adequate air exchange and ventilation, with windows left open if possible. Exhaust fans are also expected to be operating continuously.

Establishments are also expected to be smoke-free and vape-free and also have hand-washing stations, alcohol, and hands-free trash receptacles. Face masks are still expected to be worn unless eating or drinking.

With regards to testing, it is only recommended and prioritized for high-risk individuals, healthcare workers, and those aged 60 and above. Testing is optional for groups not included in the list.

The lowering to Alert Level 1 for a number of places in the country -- such as Baguio -- also means easier travel for everyone.

The loosening travel restrictions aren't just within the country either. All over the world, countries are now making it easier to travel. Check out the gallery below to find out which countries now accept VaxCertPh as appropriate proof of vaccination.

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