Elizabeth Haidle's art along with the words on it are impressive. You look at her works and shed a tear after a while. That's her power.

'Dinos and comics' is a series of comics where dinosaurs are conversing and talking about the daily mishaps of life.

'People I've loved' is downright one of the most relatable IG pages on the platform. It speaks for you when you can't find the right words to explain your feelings.

'Worry lines' is an IG page that's real and unapologetically vulnerable. It shows you how you banter with yourself on most days.

'An ordinary seal' features a seal that embodies the most human emotions there is.

'Felicia Chiao' is a full-time illustrator that creates remarkable illustrations that allow you to sit down with your feelings and just be in it. The illustrations speak for themselves, no words are needed.

'The female warhol' is an IG page that speaks truth and is a bit of a slap on the face. But it wakes you up and keeps reminding you that you always deserve better.

'Sid the visual kid' is a Toronto-based graphic artist that creates cute illustrations and affirmations for everyone that needs uplifting.

'The exquisite paradox' features a blend of well-thought-of lines and exquisite graphics. Find beauty in life through their artworks.

If your journal had an IG page that would be 'Poster journal.' It's so relatable in many ways and expresses the real side of you.

Elizabeth Haidle's art along with the words on it are impressive. You look at her works and shed a tear after a while. That's her power.

'Dinos and comics' is a series of comics where dinosaurs are conversing and talking about the daily mishaps of life.

'People I've loved' is downright one of the most relatable IG pages on the platform. It speaks for you when you can't find the right words to explain your feelings.

'Worry lines' is an IG page that's real and unapologetically vulnerable. It shows you how you banter with yourself on most days.